Being the new deacon of the parish, and having a passable voice, I am singing the Exultet this Easter Vigil. In the old days, i.e., back in seminary days, I was a member of a Combo singing second tenor, member of a Cantor Schola and later, a member of the North American College Choir. As I said, “the old days” when I wasn’t so old.
So here I sit with a great recording of the Easter Exultet on i Tunes, a script from which to read, and singing aloud as best I can. You see, I am alone tonight, so no one can hear. I realize how out of shape my vocal chords are as after a single run through they are aching.
I think the idea will be to sing it once a day throughout Lent. Maybe not Good Friday. Wouldn’t seem appropriate that day. With a few weeks’ work, my cords will be in good working order.
Actually, I am looking forward to singing the Lord’s praises in the candlelight. A cappella. I hope to fill the church with the sound, “Rejoice, heavenly powers! Sing, choirs of angels! Exult all creation around God’s throne! Jesus Christ, our King, is risen!”
In that ancient song of praise, we enter into the heavenly chorus — we pilgrims of the earth. What joy there is in our Church!
6 Responses to Thoughts While Practicing the Exultet