Diakonia and Fatherhood

If you haven’t read it yet, I would suggest you read with interest Deacon Ron Rojas’ article entitled, “On the Diakonia of Fatherhood,” in the November-December 2009 issue of Deacon Digest. 

He makes some interesting theological distinctions about fatherhood, especially in its relationship to Holy Orders and the Laity. He suggests that the fatherhood of priesthood — and its fullness in the episcopacy–  is animas paternitas (fatherhood of the soul) since the ministerial priesthood is concerned with the care of souls through specific sacraments (Reconciliation, Eucharist, Healing); the fatherhood of the diaconate is cor paternitas, (fatherhood of mercy or of the heart) since the diaconate is primarily concerned with mercy and charity; and the fatherhood of the laity is domestica paternitas, (fatherhood of the domestic church), the family.

What I find initially interesting here is a possible source for theological understanding of the relationship between the spirituality of the diaconate and marriage.

It also points to a direction for the development of a psychology of the diaconate from an individual and a systemic points of view.

I’ll have to think more about this…..

Have any of you thought about this?

About Deacon Bob

Moderator: Deacon Bob Yerhot of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, Minnesota.
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