Another Blow to Pro-Life “Grazie a” President Obama

As most of you know already, the president signed an executive order today allowing taxpayer monies to be used to destroy live human embryos for stem cell research.  President George Bush had signed an order in 2001 essentially prohibiting such funding, so our current president is reversing what was a pro-life accomplishment of eight years.

The chairman of the USCCB’s committee on Pro-Life Activities, Cardinal Justin Rigali, issued a statement calling Presidents Obama’s executive order a “sad victory of politics over science and ethics.” He also said:

“This action is morally wrong because it encourages the destruction of innocent human life, treating vulnerable human beings as mere products to be harvested… ignores the fact that ethically sound means for advancing stem cell science and medical treatments are readily available and in need of increased support……If the government wants to invest in hope for cures and promote ethically sound science, it should use our tax monies for research that everyone, at every stage of human development, can live with.”

I like that last sentence.

I suspect unborn human embryos would also if they could speak for themselves.

I also suspect that this is simply warming us up for even larger invasions by the culture of death in the next four or five years. The pro-life effort will more and more include things like trying to get your 60 or 70 year old parents treatment for cancer or other chronic illnesses (they may be denied because they will be deemed “not worth the investment” of medical resources) or trying to prevent the state from encouraging your elderly relatives to take their own life “for the betterment of the young.”

This past year, we voted with our pocketbooks and not our values and moral convictions. I believe it will bring great shame on us all.

About Deacon Bob

Moderator: Deacon Bob Yerhot of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, Minnesota.
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