Preach with Fervor

The Holy Father recently appointed 52 year old Bishop-elect Christopher Coyne as auxilary bishop of Indianapolis. He will be ordained tomorrow.

He has said that preaching has for too long been an afterthought for pastors. He suggests that bad preaching, along with bad music are the big reasons people don’t want to come to church. He also was talking about how the Church can use the Internet to reach people who are isolated from human contact. Bishop-elect Coyne has as blog and expects to start sending audio podcasts out into the digital world.

Hey, I have to say I have been saying this too for the past couple of years. Of course, deacons don’t have the standing that bishops do, so…..

Deacons, let us always take our preaching and kick it up a notch. Preach with fervor and passion, and most of all from the heart. Over and over again, parishioners have told me they are looking for good preaching that is coupled with a reverent celebration of the Liturgy of the Eucharist. Our time at the pulpit is not a time for timidity, but for a boldness that comes from the Holy Spirit who was lavished upon us at our ordinations.

For more on Bishop-elect Coyne, log on to: The Courier-Journal.

About Deacon Bob

Moderator: Deacon Bob Yerhot of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, Minnesota.
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