The Manhattan Declaration

As you may have already read, a large contingent of Catholic bishops (including Archbishop Timothy Dolan of New York), evangelical leaders, Orthodox bishops and other religious leaders have signed and promulgated The Manhattan Declaration. It speaks to the sanctity of human life, the sanctity of marriage as a union of one man and one woman, and the rights of conscience and religious liberty.

The unfortunate effects of poorly formed consciences have led to an upswing of attacks on human life and a truly free human society, a freedom that can come only with a recognition of the common good and by orienting all we do toward that which is knowably good and in accord with objective truths.

So much of our world today bristles at the Church because it dares to proclaim that there are objective truths that are knowable and binding on all of humankind, not just Catholics. Truths that are not the creation of caprice or whim or personal construction, but known by us through full use of our reason and amplified by Divine Revelation.

You can read the Declaration at:

Thanks to parishioner Michelle for renewing my attention to this declaration.

About Deacon Bob

Moderator: Deacon Bob Yerhot of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, Minnesota.
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