Come Home!

Does today’s Morning Prayer reading hit anyone squarely in the heart? It did mine.  Here it is (my translation of the Italian):

“I said, ‘Here I am!  Here I am!’ to a people that weren’t calling on my name.  I held out my hand every day to a people in rebellion.  They were traveling a path that was not good, following their own whims; a people who were provoking me continually, with insolence.” (Isaiah 65: 1b-3a)

All of us have walked whimsical paths that have led us to places where all of a sudden we realize we were resisting God’s call rather than following the true path of happiness.

To all of my readers who may be searching for the path of truth and joy, I say, “Come home” to the body of Christ, which is his Church, who will welcome you.

About Deacon Bob

Moderator: Deacon Bob Yerhot of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, Minnesota.
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