Live Without Fear!

Life’s events of late have brought me to thinking about finding the will of God by letting go of my attempts to control the future. 

The attempts I often make to control only lead to increased fear and anxiety despite the fact I would hope for a diffferent result.  How to “let go and let God”, as they say in Alcoholics Anonymous, seems to be a key in discovering who God is in my life and the plan he has for me.  It also may be the way to greater peace and serenity.

One of my New Year’s resolutions is:  “Live without fear!  Trust and be at peace!”  For me it will mean letting go of my feeble attempts to manage what I cannot manage or to control the future.  To do otherwise is actually a form of pride (one of those seven deadly sins).  Funny isn’t it, how we are ill-at-ease when we play God.

I have actually been able to live this new resolution for several hours at a time, and it really is freeing, opening the door for God to enter and do his work through me. 

Now, if I can only extend the period of time I give him my trust!

About Deacon Bob

Moderator: Deacon Bob Yerhot of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, Minnesota.
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