Lessons from the Magi

There is a lot to meditate on when it comes to the three wise men, but the one thing I would like to suggest is how each of them, kings according to legend, somehow knew that they themselves had to follow the star to Bethlehem.  Being men of great wealth, they certainly could have sent an ambassador or two but no, they had to come themselves at considerable expense and risk.  I could imagine them wondering what would become of their homes when they were away following a star.  What would their subjects think of them? What if their inner sense of calling was to lead them no where?  Certainly, they must have expected a child king in some sort of palace or regal surroundings.  What did they think when they entered a poverty-stricken stable?

In my own life, then, I take from them the following: 1) I myself must make the journey and I myself must bring the gift of myself.  I myself must adore the Lord.  I cannot expect someone else to do it for me. My presence is needed.  God expects it; and 2) I will not be afraid. God does not lead me somewhere where he won’t supply the strength, grace, and love necessary to complete the journey.  I will trust and not fear.

The journey is worth it, even if it ends in a poor man’s stable.

About Deacon Bob

Moderator: Deacon Bob Yerhot of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, Minnesota.
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