Deacon Bob’s Homily for Wednesday of the 23rd Week of the Year, Year 2

This is a late posting. Sorry! I have been very busy of late.

Here is my homily for yesterday evening’s Mass.

We have this beautiful responsorial psalm tonight on which to reflect. It speaks of a beautiful daughter being escorted into the palace of the king, born in with gladness and joy. Of course, this psalm symbolically represents us being born into heaven before God our King. In our Gospel, we have the Luke’s rendering of the Beatitudes in which we catch a glimpse of the mind of God, one might say.

Do you ever dream of heaven? I don’t mean a nighttime dream, but during the day…. do you ever imagine, dream of heaven?

Heaven, where, God willing and by his grace, we will one day come to a much more perfect and brilliant knowledge of the mind of God.

Yes, do you ever dream of heaven? O, all too often, as St. Paul reminds us in our first reading, we are preoccupied by worldly cares and concerns. Yes, we have a  sharper understanding of the world’s mind than the mind of God. We let our imaginations get caught up with worldly desires. But Paul tells us that the world is passing away, and he would want to spare us the difficulties of the world if he could.

In heaven, we will know the mind of God in a much more perfect and brilliant manner than we can possibly imagine now. A part of the mind of God is expressed in the Beatitudes. We are always blessed by God, even now, and will be especially so in heaven, for God always holds us in mind. He never forgets and is never distracted from us. We are blessed in God’s mind, even now as we suffer in this world.

I would encourage all of you to dream of heaven. Take a few minutes every day to imagine, to dream, of what heaven will be like when we come to know the mind of God in a newer, more direct and powerful way. Sit back, close your eyes, and dream. God loves you.


About Deacon Bob

Moderator: Deacon Bob Yerhot of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, Minnesota.
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