Here is my homily from Wednesday evening Mass. God bless everyone!
You have probably heard me say this before at Wednesday evening Mass, but our first reading tonight from St. Paul spurs me on to speak of it again. He wrote:
“… we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus, and the love you have for all the holy ones because of the hope reserved for you in heaven…”
Indeed, we hear of those great three virtues: Faith, Hope and Love.
Faith, that gift given us at baptism and which is to grow and mature in our lives as we age; that great gift that allows us to recognize the divine presence, the working of God in our lives and in our world, and the vision of God i.e., to see as God sees the world. Sure, we do not see nearly as perfectly as God, but that gift of faith allows us to enter into God’s way of seeing things and gives us a common vision of what is and is to be from God’s eyes, his plan for us and the world. This vision, this vision of faith generates great hope in us for we then become appreciative of the promises of that God has made to us, and the glory which is to be ours, and because of this hope, grounded in faith, in the divine vision of God, we then are impelled to go forth and love God and each other.
It is faith which gives us the foundation, hope which inspires and impels us, and love which is the end for which we were created and to which we are destined.
My friends, let us this night, and throughout the rest of this week, support each other in prayer that we may truly embrace the faith which has been given to us, and in hope go forth to lovingly serve others as God would have us.