47 Deacons to be Ordained!!

The diocese of Allentown will be ordaining 47 men to the diaconate this weekend. Forty-seven from all walks of life. This is probably the largest ordination class in the country this year.

I found their ages interesting.

I believe that we need to encourage young men to consider the diaconate. All too often we discourage younger men from applying, especially if they have dependent children.  This is a mistake. If we entrust diaconalministry to men we need to trust they can manage their families as well.  Canon law indicates 35 is the age for permanent deacons.

The Holy Spirit is at work in the diaconate  Let us not put obstacles in his path!

Here is the link to the article about the upcoming ordination




About Deacon Bob

Moderator: Deacon Bob Yerhot of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, Minnesota.
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