This Thursday we will hear Jesus say to a young man, “You are not far from the Kingdom of God!” This Sunday, we will hear in the Letter to the Hebrews of Jesus’ passing through the veil into the tabernacle not made by human hands, passing through before the throne of God.
So the question is, how far are you from the Kingdom of God?
We are on the way, we are solidly in the ballpark, if we acknowledge that there is one God, and that we love him with all our souls, all our minds, all our strength, and love our neighbors as ourselves. Yet we are not yet there, according to Jesus. (cf. Mark 12: 28-34)
Not there yet? It already seems like a tall order, just to get into the ballpark.
No, not there yet.
To get there, there is more. Take a look at 2 Timothy 2: 8-15. Here we learn that we must also die with, persevere with, and then reign with Jesus.
Yes, the Kingdom of God is reached through the cross which we can joyfully embrace if we truly love him above all else and believe in the one true God.
In the letter to the Hebrews we will hear this Sunday how Jesus, the High Priest, purifies us with his blood and then leads us all through the veil that once separated us from God, leads us into the inner tablernacle not made by human hands, leads us to the very throne of God – to his Kingdom.
Are we willing to die with, persevere with and reign with Jesus? Have we?
How far are you from God’s kingdom?
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