More Information on the Diaconate in the United States

Here are some more interesting facts about the permanent diaconate in the United States, according to the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate(CARA) in their 2009/2010 report:

92% of permanent deacons in active ministry are married, 4% are widowed and 2% are celibate.

Greater than 60% of deacons are at least 60 years old. Nearly 40% are 60-59, and about 25% are 70 or older.

81% of active deacons are non-Hispanic whites. 14% are Hispanic or Latino. 2% are African American and 2% are Asian.

28% have a graduate degree which is twice as likely to be in a field not related to the diaconate.

Only 18% of deacons are compensated for their ministry.

Only one diocese has no permanent deacons (Diocese of Salina).

The Diocese of Fairbanks, Alaska has 519 Catholics for every deacon.

You can read the entire report at

About Deacon Bob

Moderator: Deacon Bob Yerhot of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, Minnesota.
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