The Catholic blogs are now reporting that Mary Ann Glendon is declining the prestigious Laetare Medal which Notre Dame was to have been given her at the commencment exercises next month. She declines, reportedly, because the University invited President Obama to give the commencement address and honor him with a law degree.
Mary Ann Glendon is a former US Ambassador to the Vatican and a Harvard law professor. She is reported to be well-respected by the Holy See.
The blog “Whispers in the Loggia” has provided what it purports to be the full text letter of Glendon to ND president Rev. John Jenkins. You can read that post at: for today’s, April 27 post.
If the letter is accurate, it is well-written.
I say: Bravo, Ms. Glendon. Thank you for standing up for your Church and your principles. I hope Notre Dame is finally getting the message.