Yes, I Am Here

Yes, I am still here.  I haven’t been able to post anything because of busyness during Christmas travels, some furnance problems that have caused me headache, traveling to Chicago to help my son and daughter-in-law move, and last of all, computer problems (my trusty iMac is in the shop for a couple of days).

Suffice it to say that despite all of this, I have also been caught up  in the joy of the Christmas season and the octave in which we now find ourselves. Yesterday’s feast of the Holy Innocents was especially meaningful to me this year.

Unexpectedly, I received a letter from a former classmate from seminary back in 1973-77. Thanks again, Mark, for remembering me!

I’ll be back regularly in a day or so.

About Deacon Bob

Moderator: Deacon Bob Yerhot of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, Minnesota.
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