Presentation of Mary

Today’s memorial brings to mind what Augustine wrote in the second reading from the Office.  He says that Mary’s discipleship was of greater importance than her maternity of Jesus.  At first, this struck me.  Then, I thought that this certainly is clear and should come as no surprise.  Mary always reflects her Son.  It is not her own honor that she seeks, but that of her Son.  Mary was the true disciple, a follower of Jesus even to the cross; even more she followed Him body and soul into heaven.  

I think it is an excellent meditation:  do we value our discipleship more than our position or office?  Do we value our Christianity more than our positions of power or influence?

Mary always says:  “Do whatever He tells you!”  May we listen to the Word of God in our lives, and may we look to Mary to point out to us the way of her Son.

About Deacon Bob

Moderator: Deacon Bob Yerhot of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, Minnesota.
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