Gaudium et Spes

There are a couple of sentences in Gaudium et Spes that reads (translated from Italian): “Thus, peace will be the fruit of love that goes far beyond that which justice alone is able to accomplish.  Peace on earth, then, that is born from love of one’s neighbor, is the image and effect of the peace of Christ which comes from God the Father.”

Paul VI was correct in saying if we want peace, work for justice.  But those who experience injustice are faced with a difficult situation.  They are also called to love even in injustice.  The “gaudium et spes”, the joy and hope, of the Gospel of Jesus calls us to that love.  Peace is a reflection of God himself, as the Council Fathers reminded us.  We are called to that peace, to reflect God, as we work for justice.

About Deacon Bob

Moderator: Deacon Bob Yerhot of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, Minnesota.
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