Our Brothers and Sisters in Africa

I would like to mention that Brother Nicodemus of the Congregation of Brothers of Our Lady Mother of Mercy, left a comment on a post I did last May on Blessed Anuarite, whom I described as the St. Maria Goretti of Africa.

Brother Nicodemus’ comment was short and in strained English, but it reminded me of the reality that many of our brother and sisters in Africa who are spreading the Gospel remain under a good deal of persecution and hardship.

I have invited Brother Nicodemus to write more if he is able. I will apprise you all of his news if I receive any.

Let us remember, as I urged everyone in my Epiphany homily this year, that our Church is so rich because of the various cultures, languages, customs and world views/experiences of  Christians throughout the world. Brother Nicodemus and others like him are treasures of the Church.

God keep them safe and secure.

About Deacon Bob

Moderator: Deacon Bob Yerhot of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, Minnesota.
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