Attention Papa Luciani (Pope John Paul I) Devotees

I had the pleasure of receiving a comment from Lori Pieper recently. She is doing some great work researching and translating much of what Papa Luciani wrote during his lifetime. She has a website and a blog that I think is worth your while looking at.

Any follower of my blog knows of my devotion to Pope John Paul I. I have posted on him several times (see archives). If I had the time, I would be pouring over every page of his writings.  But, being a poor deacon, and a full-time husband, father, grandfather and clinical social worker, alas, it may have to wait until retirement!  Thus, my pleasant surprise to hear from Ms. Pieper of her work.

Papa Luciani, pray for us.

About Deacon Bob

Moderator: Deacon Bob Yerhot of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, Minnesota.
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